What if?
Being the first post I write about books I need to say something about the relationship between books and I:
- I usually read 2 books at a time
- I choose the books by:
- friend’s recommandation
- goodreads or other site’s newsletter/recommandations
- beautiful cover in a library
- title
- I usually give a book 100 pages to impress me. In case this does not happen I leave it behind without feeling sorry
- I buy as gifts for others books I want to borrow
- During the winter I enjoy reading near the fireplace or any other heating source :p
Goodreads recommended for me in October a book that seemed to be interesting : “What If? Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions” by RANDALL MUNROE. The next minute I was on Amazon downloading the sample for this book, googling for information on the author( a former NASA roboticist, curently webcomic) I instantly felt inlove with the title, the idea behind this book and the way it was written. Even though it had to wait patinently in my pipeline till the winter holiday, when I came back to the rest of the book the same feeling reappeared. This is a book that:
- makes you wonder/think ( sometimes I used google for further information about phisics topics I’ve forgotten since highschool)
- makes you smile
- and just gives you a hint of how perfect this universe is.
I was also impressed by the fact that there are also treated questions that usually are associated with philosophy rather than any exact science like: “is there only a soul-mate for a person?”
During the time I was reading it I asked myself several times : “wouldn’t a book like this make any kid more interested in mathematics, phisics or chemistry?” I did not get any answer, but in case the answer is “no” probably nothing would :).
p.s.: this is not a review. Here are just my thoughts on this book. I consider it to be a book that can be read by anyone from the students in secondary school without superior age limit.